Enjoy the health benefits of the local fresh organic produce of Nature. Let your kids experience the wholesome taste of the earths’ harvest and consume the nutrient/mineral rich goodness. Allow them to connect, use their senses, explore, investigate, analyse and appreciate the wonder and awe of Natures strategies and systems. Kids in Time and Place – Take them back in time to the lifestyle of the previous generations as they survey the Old Stone Dwelling, the Old Creamery and the Ringfort. It will stimulate their curiosity and be an opportunity to teach them about sustainable local economy and care of the Earth.
There has been much research to show that the most effective way to get children curious about the natural world is to bring them outside into Nature. They can use their senses to explore, observe and investigate the ever changing web of life. I have attached this youtube video to show some of the amazing strategies of creatures in the wild. Enjoy!